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Can You Do Calisthenics When You’re Overweight?

Callisthenics is one of the best ways to start resistance training, requiring little to no additional gym equipment to perform successfully.

This workout program includes exercises that leverage your own body weight for building muscle and functional strength. Both the duration and the number of exercises help contribute to these fitness gains, making you healthier as a result.

But calisthenics may draw some scepticism from those who are overweight, particularly pertaining to its effectiveness with weight loss. So, can the workout regimen help lose fat in those with higher body weight?

Let’s look at calisthenics and the possibilities of fat loss for overweight people. Read on to learn the considerations associated with the exercising routine and tips to maximise its benefits as well!

Callisthenics: An Overview

Callisthenics is one of the most popular bodyweight training methods, with a particular focus on bodyweight movements. With motions like pushing, pulling, standing, grappling and many more, the bodyweight exercise routine can cut down on body fat while reducing weight gain. 

The bodyweight exercises performed as a part of calisthenics focus on motions that move all the muscle groups in the total body mass. With these exercises, you develop muscular and aerobic conditioning, which then help you develop stability, speed and coordination. Not to mention even muscle growth for lean muscle mass.

One of the highlights of calisthenics is the extent to which it can be modified. Depending on the trainee’s preferences, the workout routine can be adjusted with a specific benefit in mind. And the number of exercises performed as a part of calisthenics is seemingly endless.

Callisthenics For Overweight People: Getting Started

So, can an overweight person safely perform calisthenics? Undoubtedly. In fact, calisthenics is one of the best ways for an overweight person to lose weight.

This exercise routine was designed to be accessible to anyone, no matter their fitness level or body weight. While it may appear daunting at first glance, the exercises can be modified to be performed safely by anyone.

The key here is to start small. A body composition with higher fat will make exercising a lot more challenging, after all, and you will want to scale the workout intensity down accordingly.

Moreover, if you’re not used to exercising, you will probably need to build up the muscular endurance needed to go through extended exercise sessions. Exercising too much can be quite detrimental to your health, as injuries become much more likely as you become exceedingly fatigued.

Start with a weight training regimen that lasts no longer than 20-30 minutes and slowly work your way up to 45 minutes or even an hour. And make sure that your body receives enough rest after performing rep sets before moving on to the next.

If you ever feel like an aerobic exercise is too difficult to perform, you can switch to a modified version to simplify the resistance training. You will want to remain consistent with exercises, and the exercises should remain consistently challenging.

Approaching A Callisthenics Routine The Right Way

Before you begin your weight loss journey, it’s important to remember that losing fat with calisthenics isn’t spontaneous. It will take a while and plenty of consistency on your part, but it will be worth it in the end. The results will speak for themselves once you’re at the end of the journey.

Of course, even the exercising approach matters quite a bit in losing weight. And approaching calisthenics the right way can streamline the journey by a lot.

Here are a few considerations to keep in mind as you embark on your weight-loss journey.

1. Lose Weight First

Losing weight by burning some body fat will help you perform beginner exercises more consistently, for which you will need to introduce lifestyle changes. These lifestyle changes are small and might not seem much at first glance, but they matter a lot in the long run.

Some of the small lifestyle changes include:

  • Using the stairs instead of a lift
  • Going on a morning walk
  • Incorporate extra walking into your workout
  • Introduce plenty of physical activities

2. Come Up With A Diet Plan

You can limit the number of calories you consume during the day by coming up with a diet plan. Limiting how much fatty food you eat and replacing it with protein and fibre-rich food can help burn more calories and lose body fat. With a lowered calorie intake, your exercises will become more fruitful.

Consider consulting a registered dietician if you need help with planning a proper diet.

3. Start With A Beginner’s Callisthenics Program

Callisthenics includes several exercises that are designed with beginners in mind. You can approach a calisthenics program that includes these exercises to help you build a solid foundation for muscle strength.

Doing so will also help you in the long run, as you will have a better idea of how the progression system of calisthenics works.

Creating An Exercising Routine For Weight Loss

While there are several exercises that can be performed as a part of calisthenics, a select few are particularly beneficial for an overweight person. Each of these exercises can be modified to suit your current skill level. You can refer to a beginner’s calisthenics program for help with the progression or look at information online.

The best calisthenics exercises for losing weight include:

1. Bodyweight squats

Chair squats are a good place to start if you’re unable to perform jump squats or burpees squats. Simply sit down on a chair and stand back up to perform a rep.

Slowly, you will be able to make progress until you’re able to perform burpees squats.

2. Push-ups

Start with wall push-ups, where you will be positioning your body at a slight angle and pushing away from the wall. Like squats, you will eventually be able to progress to knee push-ups and then regular push-ups.

3. Dips

Even at a basic level, dips can be a little difficult. Try to perform a dip by bending your knees and placing your feet flat on the ground.

4. Pull-ups

Pull-ups might be the most difficult to perform at an initial level, requiring plenty of upper body strength. You can try to perform them by wrapping exercise bands under your knees or feet. Of course, if they are too difficult to perform, you can come back to them once you’ve progressed far enough.

5. Cardio workout

Cardio workouts can be a great part of your calisthenics workout program. You can start by walking, climbing stairs, and using treadmills, and eventually progress until you can freely run. The important part of bodyweight workouts is to remain physically active and mobile.

To Sum Up

Callisthenics can be a great workout tool for those working towards a weight loss goal. Due to its low barrier for entry, nearly anyone can embark on their fitness journey, one step at a time.

It’s important to keep the progression levels in check while you perform calisthenics routinely. If your bodyweight exercises become too easy, you will see no improvements from it. But if they are too difficult, you will have trouble performing them.

Lastly, you will want to keep your diet in check as well. Not only will a healthy diet aid your exercising endeavours, but it will also keep you in a healthy weight range and burn more calories. Your health is paramount, after all, and a balanced diet will help you maintain it.

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