Calisthenics is a great way to gain strength and get fit, and because you don’t need a gym you can easily workout in various places and at no cost. Calisthenics workouts can be quick and simple, they can target a specific move or muscle-group, and they can be done alone or with friends. The freedom is yours!
Below are a few workout ideas to try. Have a go and don’t be afraid to put your own twist on them. Don’t forget the key is to adapt them to your goals, so make sure you change up the reps/exercises to get the most from your workout.
Table of Contents
Pyramid Sets
For this exercise you want to pyramid set the the dips and pull-ups, starting at 10 and working your way down to one. You can make this easier (or shorter if you’re tight for time) by starting from a number lower than 10, so work within your own limits by choosing a starting rep number which allows you to finish the sets.
Perform the following reps in one single set so your feet don’t touch the ground between start and finish. The muscle-up should take you from the ground to above the bar, the dips should then be done above the bar, then drop under the bar on the last dip to finish the pull-ups:
- 1x Muscle-up, 10x Dips, 10x Pull-ups
- 1x Muscle-up, 9x Dips, 9x Pull-ups
- ….repeat until…
- 1x Muscle-up, 1x Dip, 1x Pull-up
Lazar Novovic Workout (modified)
Props to Bar Brothers Team for the basis for this one. The original is challenging for even the more advanced of us, so for a much more manageable workout try the following variation:
- 10x Regular Pull-Ups
- 10x Diamond Push-ups
- 10x Wide Grip Pull-ups
- 10x Dips
- 10x Close Grip Pull-ups
- 10x Regular Push-ups
- 5x Muscle-ups (or to failure)
Take 30 seconds to 1 minute between each set, with a 3 to 5 minute rest between each cycle. Aim for 3 cycles.
Push-up Challenge
This one is great for a quick workout at home since it’s solely press-ups.
Simply choose any 8 press-up variations from this list and perform either 10, 15 or 20 reps of each set with only a little rest between sets. Mix it up to keep it fresh and of course feel free to add other press-up variations as you wish.
The “Bring Sally Up” Challenge
A personal favourite of mine, and one that’s going to introduce you to some of the toughest three and a half minutes of your life!
Note: This challenge has been moved to it’s own post. Check out the “Bring Sally Up” Challenge here.
30 Day Plank Challenge
I admit it, all of the challenges we have listed so far would be considered impossible to somebody who is starting bodyweight workouts for the first time.
For that reason I’d like to share a challenge that should be accessible all, and created by Stephanie from as part of her “Weight loss challenges for women over 40” series.
The 30 Day Plank Challenge is a simple concept; you’ll attempt to hold a plank every day, and each day you’re aiming to increase the total time holding the position. On the day 1 the goal is 15 seconds, but after 30 days you should be able to plank continuously for over 1 minute.
Check out the 30 Day Plank Challenge here to find out more and ensure you’re holding a plank with correct form.

Founder of Training calisthenics since 2012.
Currently working on: 30 second one-arm handstand, muscle-up 360, straddle planche.