Are you tired of the same old gym routine? Or are you looking for a workout that feels more natural and intuitive?
Well, it may be time to try the primal movement workout routine. Primal movements are basically exercises that mimic the natural movements of our ancestors, such as crawling, jumping, and climbing. These exercises can help improve strength, flexibility, and mobility while also providing a fun and challenging workout session.
So, whether you’re a seasoned athlete or a beginner wanting to stay fit, read on to learn how to make the most of the latest fitness fad!
Table of Contents
What Is Primal Movement?
Discovered by fitness coach Peter Lakatos, primal movement focuses on natural, functional movements that humans have been performing for thousands of years. As already mentioned before, primal movements are based on the fundamental patterns of human movement. As such, they improve strength, flexibility, mobility, and balance while reducing the risk of injury and improving overall fitness.
Notably, primal movement workouts involve bodyweight exercises, such as squats, lunges, and planks, as well as more dynamic movements, like bear crawls, frog jumps, and monkey bars. By incorporating these natural, functional movements into your workout routine, you can build a strong and resilient body that is capable of performing a wide range of physical activities.
The Components Of Primal Movement Workout Routine
1. Pull
Pull movements generally involve the forearms, back traps, and biceps. They require pulling an object towards your core or pulling your core towards an object.
Push and pull movements are typically executed by muscles that work as opposing pairs, with one shortening while the other lengthens to complete the motion. Some pull movements include levers, body rows, chin-ups, and pull-ups.
2. Squat
A squat primarily involves the use of the legs, specifically the quadriceps. The motion entails bending the knees and lowering your body while keeping the rest of your body straight. Then, you raise yourself back up to a standing position.
Due to the size of the quadriceps, this movement enables us to lift heavy weights from the ground without putting undue pressure on our backs. Common squat movements include squats, squat jumps, single-leg squats, hack squats, and goblet squats.
3. Push
The “push” involves the upper body to either push something away from your core or push your core away from something. Typically, the chest, triceps, forearms, or shoulders are involved in pushing movements.
Push movements can assist in moving heavy items, preventing you from getting trapped or even defending yourself against impending dangers. Examples of exercises that involve pushing movements include regular dips, diamond press-ups, handstand press-ups, close grip dips, and the good old push-ups.
4. Twist
The twist is a core exercise that emphasises the abs and obliques. It can be performed from different positions but always involves rotation, such as bringing the left elbow towards the right knee.
Twist exercises target the entire abdominal area and surrounding muscles like the serratus. Examples of twist exercises include toe touches, Russian twists, elbow-to-knee crunches, rotating side planks, and woodchoppers.
5. Bend
The bend targets the core, specifically the lower back. It involves keeping the body mostly still, straight, and stable while bending forward at the waist and bringing the upper body closer to the ground.
Strengthening exercises that focus on the lower back are crucial for safeguarding the spine and increasing core strength. Some bend movement exercises are deadlifts, single-leg Romanian deadlifts, Romanian deadlifts, stiff-leg deadlifts, good mornings, and hyperextensions.
6. Gait
The gait, as many of you already know, refers to the way someone walks, specifically the pattern of their stride. Exercises that involve stepping one foot in front of the other, either moving forward or backward, can help strengthen the gait.
Improving the strength of your gait is important for better posture and joint health in the lower body. Consider walking, jogging, and running to strengthen your gait.
7. Lunge
The lunge is an exercise that focuses on the lower body, particularly the calves, glutes, and hamstrings. To perform a lunge, you step forward with one foot while the other leg trails behind, then lower yourself towards the ground. You then reverse the movement to stand back up before repeating the motion with the opposite leg.
Lunge exercises help to build leg strength, which is essential for propelling yourself forward and carrying heavy loads. Some examples of lunge exercises include lunges, static lunges, and walking lunges.
If you’re looking for an online course with unique movements to help prevent injury and increase flexibility. Go here: Movement 20XX Method.
Which Muscles Do Primal Movements Work?
The Primal Movement Workout has gained popularity because it targets every muscle group in the body. By incorporating exercises from each of the seven movement categories, every part of the body receives attention, ensuring that no muscle group is neglected.
Benefits Of Primal Movement Workout Routine
1. Overall Improvement In The Body
Because primal movements focus on functional training, the improvements will directly benefit your everyday activities, making them easier as you progress. As such, executing this workout regularly will help build strength, improve flexibility, and maintain balance.
This implies that incorporating primal movements into your exercise routine will not only increase your physical limits but also improve your overall health and well-being.
2. No Equipment Required
Since these workouts require little to no equipment, the routine is affordable and accessible to everyone. So, no excuses now!
3. Fun And Exciting Workout
The primal movement routine is designed to be a fun and play-based exercise system. So, it even appeals to individuals who may avoid exercising due to time constraints or boredom. This can make exercising an exciting event, whether you’re working out alone or with friends.
Overall, the primal movement workout is ideal for those who want to lose weight while having fun. And it offers multiple benefits to your body, making it a must-try.
However, one of the aforementioned benefits of the workout can become a drawback if you lose a lot of weight. Since the workout uses your own body weight as the resistance, you may hit a plateau after burning fat.
That’s when you may have to resort to ankle weights or weighted vests to increase the intensity of the exercises. As such, the primal movement workout routine may not be beneficial for those who want to build muscle mass.
But if your main aim is weight loss or maintaining your health with a busy schedule – try the primal movement workout routine today!

Founder of Training calisthenics since 2012.
Currently working on: 30 second one-arm handstand, muscle-up 360, straddle planche.